
Trenbolone Enanthate Powder



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Assay: USP 99%+ by HPLC

Melt Point: 72-78℃
Color: Light yellow crystalline powder
Minimum Order: 10g


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Trenbolone Enanthate Parabolan Powder HPLC:

Trenbolone Enanthate Parabolan Powder
Trenbolone Enanthate Parabolan Powder

Trenbolone Enanthate Powder Parabolan Brief Report :

Trenbolone enanthate Powder  is a synthetic compound with CAS no 10161-35-8. It is a raw material, which exhibits both anabolic and androgenic characteristics. Tren E powder is a C17β enanthate ester, and it derives from nandrolone (19-nortestosterone).

Just like Deca Durabolin, Tren lacks a carbon atom at its 19th position. However, the compound’s unique structure features a double carbon bond both at the 9th and 11th positions.

There are three types of Trenbolone for sale, and I’ll explain how they differ. The mutual property among these compounds is the chemical and hormonal setup. However, it’s the attachment of an ester that tells them apart.

Esters regulate the releasing activity of Trenbolone hormone within the body. A quick comparison between trenbolone acetate and enanthate ester shows that the latter has a longer half-life and acts slowly than the former. For Tren E, the enanthate ester is at the 17-beta-hydroxyl group of its structure. Trenbolone base is another variant, though it lacks an ester.

The principal use of Trenbolone enanthate powder is in the manufacture of anabolic steroids. It is reliable and five times more powerful than testosterone. Essentially, it means that if you take only 200mg of Tren E, the effects and results will tally with another user who has consumed 1000mg of testosterone

Since its creation the in the 1960’s Tren has been found in three distinct forms and has been found in all three categories of anabolic steroid, Human Grade, Underground and Veterinarian grade. The three forms of Tren that have existed include:

  • Trenbolone Acetate
  • Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
  • Trenbolone Enanthate

Trenbolone is a steroid used by veterinarians on livestock to increase muscle growth and appetite, to increase the half-time, trenbolone is not used in an unrefined form, but is rather administered as ester derivatives such as trenbolone acetate, trenbolone enanthate ortrenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate, a normal bodybuilding dosage can range from 200mg/week to 1400mg/week. Trenbolone acetate can be injected once a week, also trenbolone acetate is often refined to as “Fina” by user, trenbolone compounds have a binding affinity for the androgen receptor five times as high as that of testosterone.

Trenbolone Enanthate (parabolan) (Steroids)

CAS: 10161-33-8 Trenbolone enanthate tren enanthate tren e pale yellow or yellow crystalline powder

Chemical Name: 4,9,11-estratrien-17beta-ol-3-one Enanthate

Alias: Trenbolone enanthate tren enanthate tren e

Chemical Name: 4,9,11-estratrien-17beta-ol-3-one Enanthate

Assay: 99%+

Molecular Formula: C25H34O3

Molecular weight: 382.54

Melt Point:72-78℃
Color:Light yellow crystalline powder
Storage Temp:RT

Trenbolone Enanthate vs. Trenbolone Acetate

These two steroids are almost identical, but the difference comes in terms of potency and the speed of action. The absorption and excretion rate of Tren A is more rapid than of its counterpart, hence, the shorter trenbolone acetate half life. For this reason, your body will be registering positive trenbolone enanthate results at a rate of knots.

The primary advantage of Tren E is that it has few side effects. If you do not have a soft spot for needle pricks, then this is the way to go. After all, the dosage is just twice a week while Tren Ace requires a day-to-day intramuscular injection.

Trenbolone enanthate is ideal for seasoned steroids bodybuilding since newbies may find it hard to maintain or stabilize the blood levels. It is excellent for those on a cutting cycle.

Trenbolone Enanthate Powder Parabolan Usage:

Trenbolone Enanthate Powder is quite versatile in terms of its capabilities of use. It can literally be utilized for any goal: bulking, lean mass gaining, cutting (fat loss), strength gaining, and other goals perhaps more specific to different sports. In the eyes of many, the Trenbolone hormone is considered the ultimate in cutting cycles; thats not surprising with its strong metabolic increasing and fat burning properties. While those are tremendous benefits, where Trenbolone Enanthate Powder truly shines is in its ability to greatly preserve lean muscle tissue; perhaps better than any anabolic steroid on earth.

What are The Benefits of Trenbolone Enanthate?

The secret of benefiting from anabolic steroids is by following the precautions. You ought to understand and weigh the risks before starting the cycle. To enjoy the trenbolone enanthate benefits, make sure to work out regularly while maintaining a calorie-free diet.

Here’s is what to expect on tren:

Protein Synthesis

The synthesis of proteins is always proportional to the size of muscles in the body. The higher its rate, the more muscles you’re likely to amass. What’s more, proteins protect the existing tissues and also speeds up the recovery processes.

Lean Muscle Gains

Due to the high androgenic properties of this steroid, your body will respond to the rapid growth of muscles.

Increase in the Endurance

Trenbolone boosts the number of red blood cells, thus, making them capable of transporting more nutrients and oxygen. Maximum oxygenation equals to high energy levels.

As you lift your heavyweights or carry out some intense workouts, you won’t wear yourself out. The body will re-energize and guarantee maximum endurance and stamina.

Boosts Strength and Performance

At the end of three to four weeks within the trenbolone cycle, be sure to register an increase in strength. The reason is that the drug enhances your stamina, reduces the recovery time, and improves the endurance. Powerlifters will surely go crazy about this benefit.

Leads to Nitrogen Retention

Nitrogen maintains and promotes anabolism, hence, initiating protein synthesis in the muscles. This process is responsible for muscle growth. Besides, as the body assumes the anabolic state, the drug inhibits catabolism and the related muscle-wasting aspects.

Muscle tissues contain almost 16% of nitrogen. For as long as you maintain this value, you’ll remain anabolic.

Zero Aromatization

Trenbolone Enanthate is among the few anabolic steroids, which do not aromatize into estrogen. Therefore, you’re less likely to experience the female-like characteristics when on it.

What makes steroids to convert into estrogen readily is the presence of a carbon atom at the 19th position. For the 19-nortestosterone compounds, hydrogen replaces the carbon atoms.

Bulking Cycle

In a single cycle, you can gain close to 20 pounds. Unlike most steroids whose gains result from water weight, Tren E boosts muscle growth while at the same time burning the extra body fats.

The steroid triggers the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). This protein hormone works to rejuvenate the body and activate the cells, ligaments, muscle tissues, cartilage, and the bones.

Cortisol Antagonist

If you’re on a cutting cycle, the last thing you’ll want to accumulate is body fats. Glucocorticoids weigh down muscle growth and accelerate weight gain. Trenbolone E acts by clamping down on the cortisol.

Nutrient Efficiency

Due to an increase in the red blood cells, your body can maximize every nutrient you consume unlike how it did before you were on the steroid. At least, your body can account for even the least milligram of protein, vitamins, fats, and carbohydrates you ingest.

Feed efficiency is one of the significant trenbolone enanthate benefits that outweigh other steroids.

Few Needle Pricks

With Tren E, you will only prick your muscles twice a week. Well, this info is good news to the trypanophobic guys.

Non-toxic to the Liver

Mostly, oral anabolic steroids are a concern for hepatoxicity. Being an injectable drug, Trenbolone  will avoid passing through the liver during its pharmacokinetics. If you happen to have some liver issues while on tren, you should blame the steroid stacks you were using.

Fat Burning

If you’re unsure of what to expect on tren during the cutting cycle, here’s a free hint. Trenabol will help you burn the extra fats and calories. On average, you can lose close to 1% of your body weight after the phase.

Reduces the recovery time

With Tren E, you can do intense compound workouts but still get the energy to continue.

Trenbolone enanthate powder Side Effects

Trenbolone enanthate powder is not what we’d call the most side effect friendly anabolic steroid of all time. There are many possible side effects of trenbolone enanthate use, but possible is the key word. The side effects of trenbolone enanthate with one exception are not guaranteed. Many of the possible side effects are very similar to many other anabolic steroid powders and most should find they are very easy to control. However, there are certain response side effects of trenbolone enanthate powder that will keep many from being able to use this hormone. There will be more who cannot use the Trenbolone hormone perhaps more so than any anabolic steroid. However, the majority of men should still tolerate the hormone well despite a stronger number not being able to use it compared to most steroids. In order to help you understand the possible side effects of trenbolone enanthate powder, we have broken them down into their separate categories:

▪ Acne

▪ Gynecomastia

▪ Testosterone suppression

▪ Male Pattern Baldness

▪ High Cholesterol Levels and Increases In Blood Pressure

▪ Increases In Visceral Fat

▪ Anxiety, Aggression, and Depression

How to Avoid Trenbolone Enanthate Side Effects

Some of the above trenbolone side effects are quite manageable. Take, for instance, if you are genetically prone to androgenic characteristics such as acne or male pattern baldness, you should hold back from taking the steroid.

When you experience severe sweating, ensure to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. At the end of the tren cycle, make sure to have a PCT to kick start the testosterone levels.

On more take-home point, testosterone ought to be part and parcel of your stack. The reason is that Trenbolone per se will end up suppressing the natural production of testosterone.

Trenbolone enanthate powder Cycle

Like other anabolic steroids, taking Trenbolone enanthate powder is best used in cycles. However, the best Trenbolone enanthate powder cycle for a beginner is unlikely to be the same as the Tren cycle for professional bodybuilders. The Tren Enanthate cycle for a beginner is a little different. It runs for 12 weeks instead of 8 and looks like this:

▪ Trenbolone Enanthate: 300mg/week

▪ Testosterone enanthate: 100mg/week

Tren Reviews:

Tren is the best steroid there is. That may be a simple review but it’s also simply the truth. There are steroids that are more therapeutically advantageous such as Nandrolone; however, it’s also possible that Tren might be more advantageous than we realize, it’s simply never held the full opportunity to be. But when it comes to performance enhancements, the basics of cutting and bulking, this is the steroid of choice. It is true that the steroid can be harsh, and unfortunately too harsh for some. But if you tolerate it well you’ll be hard pressed to find anything that beats it.

Trenbolone Enanthate Half Life

This trenbolone enanthate Powder has a half-life of between 8 to 12 days. Being a long ester, Trenbolone Enanthate acts gradually on the body with a slow absorption rate. Therefore, it lingers in the human system for a couple of days before excretion.

Trenbolone Enanthate Powder Dosage

Trenbolone enanthate is available in injectable forms. The average Trenbolone enanthate dosage lies between 75mg to 100mg, which you’ve got to take twice a week through gluteal or thigh muscle injection. This equation means that the weekly dosing falls in the range of 150mg to 200mg.

For intermediates, you can do between 200 – 400mg/ week regardless of whether your goal is cutting, bulking, or gaining strength.

Although 75 – 100mg will work magic, advanced users can take as much as 400mg in a single dose. If your dosage exceeds this value, the trenbolone enanthate results will be out of this world. However, at the end of it all, you’ll have to get even with the adverse side effects.

Tren E powder is not advisable for use with women. The reason is that this drug exhibits extreme androgenic properties, which may not augur well with the female hormonal balance. Take, for instance; virilization may occur with signs such as elongated clitoris.

This drug is potent for beginners and intermediate steroid users. Being five times anabolic than testosterone, Trenbolone is ideal for hard-core bodybuilders. If you’re starting, you should check out for exceptional deals from Bulkraws trenbolone acetate powder suppliers.

Buy Trenbolone Enanthate Powder

If you want to use genuine trenbolone enanthate(Tren e) powder, you will only obtain it via the black market.Buying the legal trenbolone enanthate powder,all you have to do is visit the aasraw website.The tricky thing about the purchase will be deciding if you want to make tren e injection on its own or combine it with other aasraw steroids and use it in a legal steroids stack. All aasraw are heavily discounted and offer excellent value for money under top quality.

Trenbolone Enanthate Price

Trenbolone enanthate price depends on several factors. For instance, buying from a local gym supplier can be reasonably expensive than purchasing directly from an online store. Besides, each manufacturer has their price tag.

On an average scale, a 10ml vial of Tren E costs between $75 and $130 for a 200mg concentration.

Trenbolone Enanthate Cooking Recipe

Although you can buy a ready-to-inject product, you can still purchase raw Tren E powder and come up with your desired recipe. This method is not only affordable but also the best way of customizing your Trenbolone enanthate dosage.

Trenbolone enanthate recipe:

For 100ml at 100mg/ml, you will need;

10g (7.5ml) of Trenbolone E powder

10ml of Benzyl Benzoate (10%)

2ml of benzyl alcohol (2%)

80.5ml of grapeseed, sesame, or coconut oil

For 100ml at 200mg/ml, you require;

20g (15ml) of Trenbolone E powder

15ml of Benzyl Benzoate (15%)

2ml of benzyl alcohol (2%)

68ml of oil (sesame, grapeseed, or coconut oil)

Additional information


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