
Nandrolone Decanoate Powder Deca



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Melting Point :33-37°C

Assay: USP 98%+ by HPLC
Minimum Order: 10g


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Table of Contents

Nandrolone Decanoate Powder Deca Durabolin HPLC :

Nandrolone Decanoate Powder Deca Durabolin

Nandrolone Decanoate Powder Deca Durabolin Brief Report :

Deca Powder Durabolin is an extremely popular anabolic steroid comprised of the steroidal hormone Nandrolone and is attached to the large Decanoate ester. The Nandrolone hormone first appeared in 1960 and developed for commercial use in 1962 by Organon under the trade name Deca Durabolin. Since that time numerous Nandrolone Decanoate versions have hit the market, but Deca Durabolin remains the most recognized. This was not the first Nandrolone compound ever created, that would belong to Organon’s Durabolin, which is specifically Nandrolone Phenylpropionate. The Phenylpropionate version is much faster acting with a less active duration, and while Phenylpropionate forms are popular, Deca Durabolin has largely dominated the Nandrolone marketplace.

Nandrolone decanoate Powder is an injectable sort of the anabolic steroid. Nandrolone decanoate displays relatively powerful anabolic attributes. Dissimilar testosterone, however, Nandrolone decanoate tissue-building action is attended by weak androgenic facilities. The modest attributes of nandrolone decanoate have made it among the most pop injectable steroids in global, highly preferred by athletes for its power to promote important strength and lean muscle mass increases without strong androgenic or estrogenic side effects.

Product name

Nandrolone Decanoate Factory Supplying

Other name

19-Nortestoterone decanoate;Deca

CAS register number




Molecular formula


Molecular weight


Melting point


Specific optical rotation




Product features

Nandrolone decanoate is an injectable sort of the anabolic steroid nandrolone.
The decanoate ester supplies a slow release of nandrolone from the site of injection, continuation for up to 3 weeks.
Suchlike , nandrolone displays relatively powerful anabolic attributes. however, its tissue-building action is attended by weak androgenic facilities.
The modest attributes of nandrolone decanoate have made it among the most pop injectable steroids in global, highly preferred by athletes for its power to promote important strength and lean muscle mass increases without strong androgenic or estrogenic side effects.

Nandrolone decanoate Powder COA:

DescriptionWhite or Almost White Crystalline Powderwhite powder
Specific Rotation+101°~+105°+102.6°
Our Advantages
Loss On Drying
Melting Point153~157°C153.0~155.0°C
Organic Volatile ImpuritiesMeets the requirement.Conforms
Related SubstancesMeets the requirement.Conforms
Residual SolventsMeets the requirement.Conforms
Particle Size100% ≤ 20 micronsConforms
ConclusionThe specification conform with USP32 standard

What Is DECA Powder Nandrolone Decanoate?

Today, many bodybuilders prefer to homebrew steroids in a bid to increase their muscle mass. Nandrolone Decanoate, known as DECA, sold under the brand name DECA-Durabolin, is one of the powerful steroids that give fantastic results when homebrewed right. If you are new in the industry, you might be wondering what Deca Durabolin is and what it can do for you. Here are some of the Nandrolone Decanoate (DECA) features that set it apart from others.

Nandrolone Decanoate (DECA) is a slow acting steroid, and this makes it more popular. What is the benefit of using a slower steroid? The longer the half-life, the longer it will take for the steroid to leave the body. Also, this means that the Nandrolone Decanoate dosage does not have to be frequent. You only have to get an injection after three weeks, unlike others that you might need to get the jab weekly.

Nandrolone Decanoate (DECA) (360-70-3) is also characterized by few side effects, making it a darling to those that love taking good care of their health. The less severe side effects are because it rarely converts to estrogen.

Nandrolone Decanoate Powder Deca Durabolin Application:

Deca Powder Durabolin is one of the most commonly used anabolic steroids among performance enhancing athletes. It is well known for being a tremendously beneficial off-season mass steroid, but it’s also a favorite in many athletic circles for its therapeutic benefits. Due to its tremendous therapeutic benefits, the Nandrolone hormone is one of the most beneficial anabolic steroids in medical practice. However, due to years of anabolic steroid controversy such use has been quite limited in the U.S. for many years. Outside the U.S. Deca Durabolin remains a bit more popular in therapeutic treatment plans that can cover a host of areas.

Nandrolone decanoate is wide disposable in human andveterinary drug marketplaces. Structural. Nandrolone decanoate is a modified sort of nandrolone. Esterified steroids are proposed to prolong the window of therapeutical effect following administration, allowable for a lower periodic injection docket compared to injections of free (unesterified) steroid. Nandrolone decanoate offers a keen top in nandrolone release 24-48 hours accompanying deep intramuscular injection, which constantly goes down to near baseline points about 2 weeks later. The average depot-release half life of nandrolone decanoate is eight days.

Nandrolone Decanoate powder DECA Benefit

Nandrolone Decanoate(DECA) powder is one of the most commonly used anabolic steroids among performance enhancing athletes, be a favorite in many athletic circles due to its tremendous therapeutic benefits, include below:

*Increase bone density;

*Increase muscle growth;

*Increase the production of red blood cells;

*Appetite stimulation;

*Strength gains;

*Fuller muscles;

*Reduces Joint Pain;

*Low liver toxicity;

*Improve the overall performance;

*Slower estrogen compared to most steroids;

*Faster recovery;

*Retains Nitrogen Levels;

*Less frequent DECA administration;

Bodybuilding powder Bodybuilding powder[/caption]

Nandrolone Decanoate powder Cycles & half life

Nandrolone decanoate(DECA) powder be well absorbed into the blood, the half-life of about 6–7 days, after rapidly hydrolysed to nandrolone in the blood with a half-life of one hour or less. The half-life for the combined process of hydrolysis of nandrolone decanoate and of distribution and elimination of nandrolone is 4.3 hours. It’s available at 25 mg/mL, 50 mg/mL, 100 mg/mL, and 200 mg/mL formulations in oil solution appear for intramuscular injection.

For men cycle on bodybuilding: 200-600mgs/week (2mg/lb of Bodyweight);
For women cycle on bodybuilding:  50-100mgs/week;
Active life: 15 days;

Detection Time: Up to 18 months;

The above dosage information of Nandrolone Decanoate(DECA) powder be given only serve as a guide reference, these statements by bodybuilders who have used or used the active ingredients, the dosages should never be regarded as generally valid. If you have an idea to use steroids or similar, ask a doctor or pharmacist.

How to Make Nandrolone Decanoate(DECA)?

Step 1: Weigh the Nandrolone Decanoate powder into a beaker.

Step 2: Add the BA and the BB.

Step 3: The solvents start to dissolve in the powder. Stir the mixture gently to speed up the process.

Step 4: Add Sesame oil to the solution and stir it thoroughly.

Step 5: Draw up the warmed solution into the syringe that will be used to filter and attach a needle into the syringe filter.

Step 6: Cap the container

Chemicals you need to prepare it

Nandrolone Decanoate Recipe for DECA 50ml each at 200mg/ml

10grams Nandrolone Decanoate powder

32.50ml sesame oil (Avoid thicker oils and those that you may be allergic to).

2.5 Benzyl alcohol 5% (Never exceed 5% BA for any conversions that you undertake)

7.50ml Benzyl benzoate 15%

Tools required

  • Stove
  • Scale
  • Pre-sterilized vials
  • Sterile needles
  • .22 micron syringe filters
  • Sterile syringes
  • Spoon to stir
  • beaker

Step by step guidelines on how to brew Nandrolone Decanoate

Step 1: Weigh the Nandrolone Decanoate powder into a beaker.

That is done by taking a piece of paper, placing it on the scale and pressing tare so that the weight of the paper doesn’t get included when measuring your powder. Add your powder bit by bit so that you do not have to keep scooping after exceeding your ideal powder weight. To ensure that you are accurate, get a scale that is accurate enough to the gram. Once you get the ten grams, you are now good to go.

Step 2: Add the BA and the BB.

Step 3: The solvents start to dissolve in the powder. Stir the mixture gently to speed up the process.

You could opt to warm the solution using a water bath to make it even quicker. How do you do that? Take a pot with some water and place it on the stove for it to heat. Get the beaker containing the solution and place it a few centimeters into the water. You could also use warm water from a kettle. Avoid too hot water because it will lead to oxidation hence interfering with the process.

Step 4: Add Sesame oil to the solution and stir it thoroughly.

The Sesame oil should have the same temperature as that of the solution to allow the solution to flow correctly. Check for any hormone swirls that may have formed and ensure that there is no any before moving to the filtration process.

Step 5: Draw up the warmed solution into the syringe that will be used to filter and attach a needle into the syringe filter.

Use some pressure on the syringe to allow the solution to flow and replace the filter with a new when you notice that the process is getting slow.

Step 6: Cap the container

Once you are done with the filtration process, the solution is now ready for use. Cap the container to avoid contamination.


When it comes to taking steroids, there are two types of people; those that buy Nandrolone Decanoate for sale and those that prefer home brewing it from raw Nandrolone Decanoate. In using both, there is only one goal; to create a better-looking body.

In case you may prefer home brewing the steroid yourself, then you should at least try to do it the right way. By following the Nandrolone Decanoate recipe given on how to make Deca, you will most likely get perfect results. Exceeding or using a less amount of either the solvents or the Nandrolone Decanoate powder may affect the quality of your steroid.

In truth, with the right apparatus and ingredients, you can comfortably homebrew Nandrolone Decanoate and realize your bodybuilding potential.

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