
98% Equipoise Boldenone Undecylenate



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Density: 1.055g/cm³
Assay: USP 98% by HPLC
Minimum Order: 10g


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Boldenone Undecylenate Equipoise EQ Liquid Description

1.)Boldenone Undecylenate is a testosterone derived anabolic androgenic steroid that is best known by the trade name Equipoise given to it by Squibb in the 1970’s. While Equipoise is officially classified as a veterinarian grade anabolic steroid, the first batches of Boldenone were introduced on the human grade pharmaceutical market by Ciba in the early 1950’s under the brand name Parenabol. Human grade Boldenone would see some success in human medicine through the 1960’s and 70’s but would ultimately be discontinued by the end of the decade. Since that time, the steroid has only been available through veterinarian medicine and underground labs with the Equipoise name dominating the market. Fort Dodge Animal Health now owns the Equipoise name.

For decades, it has been assumed that Equipoise was very similar to Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate). This assumption was in part based on comments the late Dan Duchaine made about the steroid. However, the two compounds are not similar in any way; in fact, Duchaine would recant the statement, but the initial statement has been enough to keep the rumor alive. If Equipoise shares anything in common with another anabolic steroidal hormone, it would be testosterone, but EQ as it’s commonly known is unique in its own right. An important note regarding the differences in these two steroidal hormones; Nandrolone carries a strong progestin nature, while Boldenone carries no progestin characteristics.

2.)Boldenone undecylenate or boldenone undecenoate, is an active ingredient sale under the brand name” Equipoise & Parenabol”. It’s normally called”EQ, Bold U, BU, BLD etc” by the bodybuilders or UGL owners.
Boldenone undecylenate is a pharmaceutical raw at liquid form, which is a synthetic and injectable anabolic-androgenic steroid, with similar effect as the natural steroid Testosterone, it’s a long-acting ester prodrug of boldenone that be mainly used in veterinary medicine, particularly in horse, can increases the growth, nutrient conversion and strengthen the lean body weight. It is banned to use in humans, but Boldenone undecylenate powder still be used illegally by athletes and bodybuilders to get a fitness result for muscle building, it’s considered as an ideal replacement supplement of Deca-Durabolin, can promote the muscle mass and endurance, to gain enhance athletic performance, also can be used as a cutting steroid, to protect you from loss in lean tissue. As some study reported, Boldenone undecylenate powder can help you to last longer during strenuous workouts or performance, it can provide a slow but steady gain during peak bulking cycles.

Product Name : Boldenone Undecylenate(Equipose)

CAS No:13103-34-9
Molecular formula : C30H44O3

Molecular weight : 452.67

Natural/synthetic : synthetic

Pharmacodynamics:The activity of boldenone is mainly anabolic, with a low androgenic potency. The drug is commonly used in doping within bodybuilding, even though this use is illegal. If intended to assist in bodybuilding, the drug is taken as part of a steroid stack of other anabolic steroids, usually with a potent androgen like testosterone as the ‘base’ of the stack. Boldenone is an androgen that differs from 17b-testosterone (17b-T) by only one double bond at the 1-position, and the removal of the methyl group protecting the 17-OH group allows it to be orally active.

Mechanism of action:Boldenone is a steroid hormone which has androgenic activity. Androgens bind to the androgen receptor, which regulates gene transcription.

Effects of Equipoise:

The effects of Equipoise are fairly straightforward. This is a generally well-tolerated anabolic steroid that presents notable anabolic activity in most users in a clean and even fashion. Outside of performance enhancement use, Boldenone did enjoy some success as a human grade steroid for a time. The steroid had some success in treating muscle wasting diseases and osteoporosis, but would ultimately give way to other steroidal options. As a veterinarian steroid, Equipoise is well-known for its use in horses, hence the name “Equipoise” and its similarity to the word “Equestrian.” EQ is often given to horses in an effort to increase lean body weight, which is in part due to the steroid’s ability to increase appetite. An increased appetite is well noted among many performance enhancing athletes that use Equipoise, however, it doesn’t appear to affect everyone the same. Many who use the anabolic steroid report no increase in appetite, it tends to be highly individualistic, but it could be useful for those struggling to consume needed calories.

As an off-season bulking steroid, Equipoise can add quality lean mass gains, but they will not come overnight, and will fall short of many anabolic steroids. Steroids like Deca Durabolin will produce far greater mass results, as will steroids like Anadrol and Dianabol; however, the latter two are often accompanied by large amounts of water retention. Some athletes have, however, reported stronger off-season gains when Equipoise is added to a total off-season stack rather than used as a base steroid. If appetite suppression is an issue, this steroid may very well help you consume the excess calories needed for off-season growth. Of course, while it may not be a tremendous mass building steroid, for some it may produce all the mass they want. Not everyone who uses anabolic steroids is looking for immense gains in size.

Equipoise is also well-noted for promoting increases in strength. An increase in strength can be very beneficial to an off-season mass plan, but perhaps more beneficial to the enhancement of athletic performance. Unfortunately, the extremely long detection time will prohibit many athletes from using EQ. Total detection time can stretch to five months. However, the steroid definitely provides numerous advantages to the athlete, not only in an increase in strength but a notable increase in muscular endurance. Recovery should also be enhanced. Regardless of the desired purpose of use, all who supplement with Equipoise will enjoy these related benefits.

Equipoise can also be used as a cutting steroid; in fact, this may be the most beneficial point of use. This anabolic steroid is an excellent protectant of lean muscle mass. In order to lose body fat, you must burn more calories than you consume, you must be in a caloric deficit, and this will hold true with or without anabolic steroid use. Unfortunately, a calorie deficit puts our lean muscle tissue at risk as the body will often take what it needs in order to meet its energy demands from our lean tissue. Proper dieting can greatly protect our lean muscle mass, but it can only go so far. Without the introduction of an anabolic steroid, some muscle mass will eventually and inevitably be lost. EQ will greatly protect you from this loss in lean tissue, and it has also been shown to have some very nice conditioning effects on the physique. Such effects will be greatly enhanced when combined with a non-aromatizing steroid like Masteron (Drostanolone) or Trenbolone. However, during most cutting plans of a competitive bodybuilding nature, while EQ is commonly used it is normally only used at the frontend of the cutting cycle. It will normally be discontinued during the later half of the plan due to possible estrogenic activity. While total estrogenic activity should be low, during this phase of supplementation any and all estrogenic activity is normally avoided or at least minimized to the lowest point possible.

Boldenone Undecylenate Equipoise Functions & Traits:

Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) is a structurally altered form of testosterone. It is a very slight change in an added double bond at the carbon one and two position. This double bond greatly reduces the hormone’s androgenicity, as well as estrogenic nature. It is then attached to the very large or long Undecylenate ester, which is responsible for controlling the release of the hormone once administered into the body. The Undecylenate ester allows for a peak release in Boldenone approximately 3-4 days after injection, with a slow continuous release of the hormone to follow for approximately 21 days.

Due to its structural change, Equipoise only aromatizes at approximately 50% the rate of testosterone. Estrogenic side effects are possible, but the odds are highly in the individual’s favor compared to testosterone. It is not as powerful of a mass builder as testosterone, not even close, but the reduced estrogenic activity should allow the individual to make cleaner gains through supplementation.

Equipoise shares many similarities regarding direct enhancement properties with testosterone. Common shared properties include its ability to enhance protein synthesis, nitrogen retention in the muscles, inhibit glucocorticoid hormones and increase IGF-1 output. Equipoise is also well known for increasing red blood cell count, a trait shared by most all anabolic steroids. However, issues of concern have been noted regarding how much Equipoise can increase red blood cell count. But available data tends to support this only being a concern with extremely high dose use for extremely long periods of time. In many ways, the increase in red blood cells provided by Equipoise can be fast and rapid, but may not present a significant advantage or disadvantage compared to most anabolic steroids when used responsibly. Without question, a moderate increase in cell production would be very advantageous for most any athlete.

Buy Boldenone undecylenate(Equipoise) powder Online

Boldenone undecylenate powder is classified as a controlled substances, not be approved for human use, that can’t find legit Boldenone undecylenate powder for sale online, just can buy it at veterinary pharmacies or black market. If you’re planing to use Boldenone undecylenate cycle for bodybuilding or fitness need(like:bulking or cutting etc), it’s very important to search more reviews about Boldenone undecylenate powder sale online from the factory, manufacturer, Distributor etc, to learn all information if it’s safe and effective to go ahead, and contact us if any problem.

Boldenone Undecylenate(Equipoise) powder recipe

Please contact our sale customer service through online chatting or email, will share a recipe of you required product to guide as a reference.

Warming On Boldenone Undecylenate(Equipoise) powder

Boldenone undecylenate powder generally present the mild side effects in humans, like other steroid. mainly occur at high dosages or abuse of the Boldenone undecylenate powder lead to health complication, may appear acne, oily skin, increased hair growth, voice changes, diarrhea, hypertension, prolonged blood clotting time, increased sex drive, post-menopausal bleeding, swelling of the breasts and virilization symptoms in women. You should notice any side effects after take Boldenone undecylenate powder, and contact doctor or pharmacist immediately since the dosage or cycle need be stopped asap, to avoid the effect be a permanent effect on your body.

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1 review for 98% Equipoise Boldenone Undecylenate

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