
Testosterone Propionate Powder



Telegram/Wickr: edisond
Melting point: 172.0~176.0°C
Assay: USP 99%+ by HPLC
Minimum Order: 10g

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Table of Contents

Chemical Characteristics of Testosterone Propionate Powder

As previously mentioned, Testosterone Propionate Powder is simply Testosterone with the Propionate ester bound to the Testosterone chemical structure. Specifically ‘Propionate’ is Propionic acid, but once bound to Testosterone it is properly referred to in chemistry as an ester bond (or ester linkage). Propanoic acid is bonded to the 17-beta hydroxyl group on the Testosterone structure. Esterified anabolic steroids are more fat soluble, and release slowly from the injection site – however, this is not the main reason as to why esters extend the release rate of the anabolic steroid. The primary reason for the augmentation of its half-life and release rate is because once Testosterone Propionate enters the bloodstream, enzymes work to break the bond between the ester and the hormone, which takes a varying amount of time. The end result is that the ester is removed from the hormone by enzymes, and what is left is pure Testosterone that is free to do its work in the body. This process of enzymes cleaving off the ester from the Testosterone molecule is what is responsible for the slower release rates. Testosterone alone with no ester bonded to it possesses a half-life of approximately 2 – 4 hours. When the Propionate ester is attached to it, creating Testosterone Propionate, the half-life of Testosterone is now extended to 4.5 days, providing a slower release and activity of the hormone.

Product name

Testosterone propionate dosage for bulking test propionate raw steroid powders for sale


Test Prop; Testoviron; sterandryl; Agovirin;Testosteron

CAS number




Molecular formula


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Melting point




Testosterone Propionate Powder HPLC


Testosterone Propionate Powder Functions & Traits:

Testosterone Propionate Powder is a pure testosterone hormone. Although synthetic it is a perfect replica of the primary naturally produced male androgen testosterone. By design, the hormone is attached to the Propionate (propionic acid) ester, a small/short ester that enables the hormone’s release time to be controlled. Without an ester, the hormone would disperse and dissipate rapidly post administration. By attaching the ester, this promotes a controlled release and allows the individual to inject the hormone less frequently. Once Testosterone Propionate is injected, the ester slowly begins to detach from the hormone. As the ester is detached the testosterone hormone begins to release into the blood. The half-life of Testosterone Propionate Powder is approximately two days, which is substantially longer than ester free testosterone, which carries a half-life a little less than 24 hours.

As a pure testosterone, Testosterone Propionate Powder carries an anabolic rating of 100 and an androgenic rating of 100 as well. The testosterone hormone itself represents the basis by which all anabolic and androgenic ratings are measured in all anabolic steroids. More importantly, while carrying these structural ratings, its translating rating matches up perfectly. Testosterone Propionate will yield a notable amount of anabolic and androgenic activity. This is important as not all steroids match their structural ratings in a translating capacity.

Although synthetic in nature, Testosterone Propionate Powder is an efficient hormone for the treatment of low testosterone. Testosterone is an essential hormone produced by men and women that affects our physical, mental and sexual wellbeing. While produced and essential for both sexes, men require approximately ten times that of women. If you suffer from low testosterone and more than 20 million men in the U.S. suffer from some type of androgen deficiency, Testosterone Propionate will remedy the problem. However, while effective, after all, it is testosterone, it is not a preferred form of treatment as it will require frequent injections. Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate remain the dominant forms in treatment plans. However, if you suffer and Testosterone Propionate is what’s available it is a suitable option.

There are numerous symptoms associated with low testosterone. The symptoms themselves are not life threatening but they severally diminish your quality of life. More importantly, when the condition is ignored it can be an open doorway to many far more serious conditions, some of which are life threatening. The symptoms of low testosterone include:

Loss of Libido (can refer to partial or total loss)

  • Erectile Dysfunction (inability to maintain or obtain and erection)
  • Loss of Muscle Mass (despite diet & exercise)
    • Loss of Strength (despite diet & exercise)
    • Increased Body Fat (despite diet & exercise)
    • Loss of Mental Clarity
    • Decreased Ability to Focus
    • Lethargy
    • Insomnia
    • Irritability
    • Decreased Energy
    • Depression
    • Weakened Immune System

Regular administration of Testosterone Propionate Powder will remedy every last symptom on this list if it is due to low testosterone. In the early stages of low testosterone you may not display too many symptoms. Many men initially display one of the sexually related most commonly and perhaps one more from the list. However, while the sexually related symptoms are the most common it is possible to suffer from low testosterone without such symptoms initially. As time goes by, if ignored the symptoms will begin to mount. If continually ignored low testosterone can in part promote several far more concerning conditions including:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Infertility
  • Polyuria
  • Anxiety
  • Heart Disease

When compounds like Testosterone Propionate Powder can so easily remedy a low testosterone condition, there really is no excuse for living with the problem. There are possible side effects to use, but keep in mind this is merely testosterone a hormone your body is well accustomed to. For the low level patient, while there are possible side effects of Testosterone Propionate very few men will have a problem.

While a perfect replica of the primary male androgen, treating low testosterone is not the only functional trait provided by Testosterone Propionate Powder. This is a highly versatile anabolic steroid and high levels of the hormone will enhance several primary anabolic characteristics. When we refer to high levels, this is the realm of performance enhancement. With this type of use, the individual will be taking his testosterone levels far above and beyond what could ever be naturally produced. Through this action, Testosterone Propionate will promote five key steroidal enhancement traits that will serve most any man tremendously well. With this type of use, every man who supplements will enjoy improvements in his life in the same areas as a low level patient. However, it is the tremendous enhancement provided by the five traits that separate and distinguish this type of use. The five primary anabolic traits of Testosterone Propionate include:

  • Enhanced Protein Synthesis
  • Enhanced Nitrogen Retention
  • Increased Red Blood Cell Count
  • Increased IGF-1 Output
  • Inhibition of Glucocorticoid Hormones

By enhancing protein synthesis, this simply means we enhance the rate by which cells build proteins. Protein representing the primary building block of muscle tissue; this is essential to repair and recovery, which is where anabolic growth is promoted. The promotion of nitrogen will also enhance the anabolic atmosphere as all lean tissue is comprised of approximately 16% nitrogen. When nitrogen levels fall this can lead to a catabolic (muscle wasting) state. Conversely, the more nitrogen we retain the more anabolic we remain.

Then we have the promotion of red blood cells. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to and through the blood. Greater blood oxygenation results in greater muscular endurance, enhanced recovery and again promotes the anabolic atmosphere. From here we have the promotion of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 is a naturally produced protein hormone that is highly anabolic and essential to the body’s recovery and rejuvenation abilities. This is a hormone that affects nearly every cell in the human body and will have a positive impact on muscle tissue, ligaments and tendons, cartilage, and even the central nervous system.

Finally we’re left with inhibition of glucocorticoid or stress hormones. These hormones are necessary to the body’s wellbeing to a degree but they are muscle wasting and fat promoting hormones. Cortisol is the most well-known glucocorticoid and it is very easy for these hormones to become dominant in the body. A dominant atmosphere will lead to the opposite of an anabolic atmosphere. Thankfully compounds like Testosterone Propionate will ensure this doesn’t happen.

Testosterone propionate dosage for bulking cycle:

Testosterone propionate, an oil-based injectable testosterone compound, is a popular anabolic androgenic steroid among athletes compared to other testosterone derivatives. This is because this steroid is comparatively much faster acting than other testosterone esters. This powerful mass drug is required to be administered frequently and can easily result in dramatic and rapid gains in terms of muscle size and strength.
Considered by many as the mildest testosterone ester, this steroid is commonly used for dieting or cutting phases of training though it is also popular as a bulking drug. The most common dosage schedule for this anabolic steroid is to inject 50-100mg every second or third day and the weekly dosage of the steroid is usually kept in the range of 200-400mg. It is generally stacked with Winstrol,Primobolan, and Oxandrolone. Some users add a non-aromatizing androgen such as Halotestin or Trenbolone to experience dramatic and extreme effects on subcutaneous body fat and muscle hardness.

Additional information

Weight 1.4 kg
Dimensions 62 × 56 × 12 cm

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