
YK11 Powder Sarms YK-11



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Assay: USP 99%+ by HPLC
Minimum Order: 10g


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YK11 Sarms Briefing :

“YK-11” is one of the most powerful SARMS(Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) on the market today. It is used to achieve Anabolic Steroid type results, but without the negative side effects and legality issues.
This particular SARM “YK-11” is for helping the user Gain Lean Muscle Tissue and Lose Fat simultaneously.

YK11 CAS:431579-34-9
YK11 Purity: 99.00%+
Einecs Number: 1379686-30-2
Formula Weight: 393.826
YK11 Grade: Pharmaceutical Grade
YK-11 Appearance: Almost White Crystalline Powder

YK-11 is derivative of the anabolic steroid DHT, and as a partial agonist of the androgen receptor, it would activate the androgen receptor to give a submaximal response when inadequate amounts of DHT or Test are present. In the presence of overstimulation of androgen receptors say when excess amounts of DHT or Test are present YK-11 will act as a competitive inhibitor of androgen receptors. This is because partial agonists typically display both agonistic and antagonistic properties.

Current pharmacodynamic data on YK-11 present by Kanno Y et al has me speculating that YK-11 will operate as an with some anabolic potential in low levels of Test/DHT. 

Selective androgen receptor modulators or SARM is known for giving muscle growth results. Although anabolic steroids are also used for the same purpose, SARMs unlike anabolic steroids do not have any harmful side effects associated with it. … YK11 is a kind of SARM which produces the same effect as myostatin.

What is YK11 Sarms used for?

YK11 is a SARM (selective androgen regulation modulator). A SARM is somewhat like anabolic steroids, instead being tailored to reduce unwanted effects of steroid use. For example it can produce testerone in the body with minimal estrogen compensation.

There have been quite a few anecdotal reports from users who have stacked YK11 with RAD140 with incredible results.

YK11 is often stacked with LGD-4033. LGD-4033, also called Ligandrol, is known for its ability to gain a lot of lean muscle similar to RAD140. A YK11 LGD stack would be great for gaining lean muscle mass in a short period of time

Users report increased strength and an increase in lean muscle mass similar to testosterone results but without the water bloat. It works great for users looking to bulk with lean, dry gains.

YK11 Sarms Benefits:

YK-11 induces muscle cells to make more follistatin which is a strong myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin (also known as growth differentiation factor 8) as a myokine, a protein produced by muscle cells that acts on muscle cells to inhibit myogenesis. Myogenesis is muscle cell growth and differentiation. Research through the years show that when you block myostatin, it allows for significantly more muscle mass.
In addition to that, YK-11 is a bit leaner than LGD-4033, and is excellent for lean gains on par with testosterone. It produces lean, dry, easily kept gains in strength and muscle, and reductions in bodyfat.

YK11 Dosage:
Taking a Moderate dose (4mg – 8mg per day, 2 to 4 capsules per day) of “YK-11” the user can expect to get a more Aesthetic Physique (Lean, Hard and Strong).
Taking a Large dose (18mg – 22mg per day, 9 to 11 capsules) of “YK-11” the user will experience Gaining More Muscle Tissue and maintaining Extreme Muscle Fullness (The “Pumped” Look) 24/7.

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